Title: | Bayesian State-Space Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Experiments via Stan |
Description: | Estimates previously compiled state-space modeling for mouse-tracking experiments using the 'rstan' package, which provides the R interface to the Stan C++ library for Bayesian estimation. |
Authors: | Antonio Calcagnì, Massimiliano Pastore |
Maintainer: | Antonio Calcagnì <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.1.6 |
Built: | 2025-02-25 05:02:18 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/antcalcagni/ssmousetrack |
The ssMousetrack package allows analysing mouse-tracking experiments via Bayesian state-space modeling. The package estimates the model using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, variational approximations to the posterior distribution, or optimization, as implemented in the rstan package. The user can use the customary R modeling syntax to define equations of the model and Stan syntax to specify priors over the model parameters.
The sections below provide an overview of the state-space model implemented by the ssMousetrack package.
(i) Mouse-tracking data
The raw data of a mouse-tracking experiment for I individuals and J stimuli consist of a collection of arrays
which contain ordered
x 1 sequences of x-y Cartesian coordinates as mapped to the
computer-mouse pointer. The x-y coordinates are pre-processed according to the following steps:
Realigning: the arrays are re-aligned on a common sampling scale, so that N indicates the cumulative amount of progressive time from 0% to N = 100%, with N being the same over
Normalization: the aligned arrays are normalized so that
for each
Translation: the normalized arrays are translated into the quadrant
atan2 projection: the final arrays are projected onto a lower-subspace via the atan2 function by getting the ordered collection
of radians
in the subset of reals
, for each
The final I x J x N array of data Y contains the mouse-tracking trajectories expressed in terms of angles. These trajectories lie on the arc defined by
the union of two disjoint sets, namely the sets (target's hemispace) and
(distractor's hemispace), with
being the location points for target and distractor, respectively.
Note that, the current version of ssMousetrack package requires the number of stimuli J to be the same over the subjects .
The pre-processed mouse-tracking trajectories are analysed using the state-space modeling described below.
(ii) Model representation
The array Y contains the observed data expressed in angles. The measurement equation of the model is:
where and
are the location and the concentration parameters for the vonMises probability law.
The moving mean on the arc
is defined as:
with being a J x 1 array of real parameters representing the contribution of the j-th stimulus on the observed trajectory
is a non-linear function mapping reals to the subset
of the form: (i)
(logistic), (ii)
In the
is a real random quantity obeying to the law:
which represents a random walk process with time-fixed variance . The terms
are the individual latent dynamics
unaffected by the stimuli (i.e., how individual differ in executing the task) whereas
contains the experimental effects regardless to the individual dynamic (i.e., how experimental variables act on the individual dynamics to produce the observed responses).
The terms are defined according to the following linear combination:
where is an element of the J x K dummy matrix Z representing main and high-order effects of the experimental design.
The terms are computed as follows:
where (if
) or
). The function
is the exponential function scaled in the natural range of the parameters
(positive real numbers).
(iii) Bayesian formulation
The state-space model in the ssMousetrack package requires estimating the array of latent trajectories X and the K x 1 parameters .
representing both the unknown quantities, the posterior density after factorization is:
Sampling from is solved via marginal MCMC where the term
is approximated by means of Kalman filtering/smoothing. The marginal Likelihood of the model used for the rejection criterion of the MCMC sampler is approximated with the Normal distribution using the Kalman filter theory.
Calcagnì, A., Coco, M., Pastore, M., & Duran N. (2019). State space modeling for incidental memory in naturalistic scenes. Manuscript in preparation
Calcagnì, A., Lombardi, L., & D'Alessandro, M. (2018). A state space approach to dynamic modeling of mouse-tracking data. Under review
Calcagnì, A., Lombardi, L., & D'Alessandro (2018, August). Probabilistic modeling of mouse-tracking data: A statespace approach. Paper presented at the 2018 European Mathematical Psychology Group Meeting (EMPG 2018), Genova, Italy
Calcagnì, A., Lombardi, L., D'Alessandro, M., & Sulpizio S. (2018, March). A subject oriented state-space approach to model mouse-tracking data. Paper presented at the 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP 2018), Marburg, Germany
Freeman, J. B. (2018). Doing psychological science by hand. Current Directions in Psychological Science, In press, 1-9
Särkkä, S. (2013). Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing. Cambridge University Press
Durbin, J., & Koopman, S. J. (2012). Time series analysis by state space methods (Vol. 38). Oxford University Press
Andrieu, C., Doucet, A., & Holenstein, R. (2010). Particle markov chain monte carlo methods. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 72(3), 269s-342
Gelman, A., Carlin, J. B., Stern, H. S., & Rubin, D. B. (2004). Bayesian Data Analysis (Second edition). Chapman & Hall/CRC.
https://mc-stan.org/ for more information on the Stan C++ language used by ssMousetrack package
Jokkala, J. (2016). Github repository: kalman-stan-randomwalk, https://github.com/juhokokkala/kalman-stan-randomwalk
Check prior distributions
check_prior(priors = NULL)
check_prior(priors = NULL)
priors |
(list) a list of arguments specifying priors for each parameter involved in the model (see Details). If |
The function is used to specify the prior-related arguments of the state-space modeling function run_ssm
. Priors are specified in terms of distributions and associated parameters as implemented in the rstan package.
The available options are as follows:
(code = 1, required parameters = 2)
(code = 2, required parameters = 2)
(code = 201, required parameters = 4)
(code = 3, required parameters = 1)
(code = 4, required parameters = 1)
(code = 5, required parameters = 2)
(code = 6, required parameters = 2)
(code = 7, required parameters = 2)
This is an internal function, generally not to be called by the user.
a matrix contatining priors (numeric codes, see Details) and their parameters
## Not run: ## Define priors for all the paramaters priors_list <- list("lognormal(1,1)","normal(2,3)T(0,10)","normal(3,1)") priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## Define priors for some of the paramaters priors_list <- list(NULL,"pareto(1,1.2)",NULL) priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## Use pre-defined vague priors for all the parameters priors_list <- list(NULL,NULL,NULL) priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Define priors for all the paramaters priors_list <- list("lognormal(1,1)","normal(2,3)T(0,10)","normal(3,1)") priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## Define priors for some of the paramaters priors_list <- list(NULL,"pareto(1,1.2)",NULL) priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## Use pre-defined vague priors for all the parameters priors_list <- list(NULL,NULL,NULL) priors_out <- check_prior(priors_list) print(priors_out) ## End(Not run)
Compute the matrix of distances D for kappa parameters
compute_D(Y = NULL, y_T = pi/4, y_D = (3 * pi)/4)
compute_D(Y = NULL, y_T = pi/4, y_D = (3 * pi)/4)
Y |
(matrix) N x JI matrix of observed trajectories |
y_T |
(numeric) position in angles of the target |
y_D |
(numeric) position in angles of the distractor |
The function compute the distance of the Y-trajectories from the distractor and target points. This is an internal function, generally not to be called by the user.
a N x JI matrix containing the delta values for each data point in Y
## Generate a generic matrix Y of I = 5 individuals and J = 1 trajectories (N = 61) I <- 5; N <- 61 y_T <- pi/4; y_D <- (3*pi)/4 Y <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n = N*I,mean = (y_T+y_D)/2,sd = 10),N,I) DY <- compute_D(Y=Y,y_T=y_T,y_D=y_D)
## Generate a generic matrix Y of I = 5 individuals and J = 1 trajectories (N = 61) I <- 5; N <- 61 y_T <- pi/4; y_D <- (3*pi)/4 Y <- matrix(stats::rnorm(n = N*I,mean = (y_T+y_D)/2,sd = 10),N,I) DY <- compute_D(Y=Y,y_T=y_T,y_D=y_D)
This dataset contains a subset of data originally presented in Coco & Duran (2016). In this task participants see sentence and scene pairs that varied in plausibility and are requested to classify the pairs as congruent or incongruent. The experimental variables are congruency with two categorical levels (i.e., congruent, incongruent) and plausibility with two categorical levels (i.e., plausible, implausible). Participants have to classify each stimulus as belonging to one of these four levels.
The dataset contains two participants (I=2), each measured along three trials, two categorical variables (Q=2) each with two levels (K=2). The total number of trials is J=12. Mouse-tracking trajectories are raw-data, i.e. they have not been previously pre-processed.
A long-format dataframe of 728 observations containing information on the following variables.
The ID number of participants
The ID number of trials
A factor of levels congruent
, incongruent
A factor of levels plausible
, implausible
The ID number of the recorded x-y trajectories
The recorded x-trajectories
The recorded y-trajectories
Coco, M. I., & Duran, N. D. (2016). When expectancies collide: Action dynamics reveal the interaction between stimulus plausibility and congruency. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 23(6), 1920-1931.
Evaluate the adequacy of the state-space model to reproduce the observed data
evaluate_ssm(ssmfit = NULL, M = 100, plotx = TRUE)
evaluate_ssm(ssmfit = NULL, M = 100, plotx = TRUE)
ssmfit |
(list) output of |
M |
(integer) number of replications |
plotx |
(boolean) if |
The function implements a simulated-based method for assessing the adequacy of the model to reproduce the observed data. In particular,
the function provides two type of model adequacy, i.e. overall (PA_ov) and by-subject (PA_sbj). In the overall case the function provides the total amount of data reconstruction
based on the I x J x N matrix Y of observed data. By contrast, in the second case the function provides the adequacy of the model to reconstruct the individual-based set of data
as it works on the matrix J x N over i=1,...,I. Both the indices are in the range 0% - 100%, with 100% indicating perfect fit. In addition, the function returns a by-subject distance-based index (Dynamic Timw Warp distance) between observed and reproduced trajectories using dtw
a datalist containing the adequacy indices
## Not run: ## Fit a state-space model using simulated data # Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design with K = 3 categorical levels, ## J = 12 trials, I = 5 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1") iid <- 23 # keep just one dataset from the simulated set of datasets # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X1_fit <- run_ssm(N = X1$N,I = X1$I,J = X1$J,Y = X1$data$Y[iid,,],D = X1$data$D[iid,,], Z = X1$data$Z,niter=100,nwarmup=25) # Evaluate the state-space model evaluate_ssm(ssmfit = X1_fit,M = 10,plotx=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Fit a state-space model using simulated data # Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design with K = 3 categorical levels, ## J = 12 trials, I = 5 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1") iid <- 23 # keep just one dataset from the simulated set of datasets # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X1_fit <- run_ssm(N = X1$N,I = X1$I,J = X1$J,Y = X1$data$Y[iid,,],D = X1$data$D[iid,,], Z = X1$data$Z,niter=100,nwarmup=25) # Evaluate the state-space model evaluate_ssm(ssmfit = X1_fit,M = 10,plotx=FALSE) ## End(Not run)
Generate datasets according to the model structure
generate_data( M = 100, N = 61, I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4), Z.type = c("symmetric"), Z.contrast = "treatment", Z.formula = NULL, sigmax = 1, lambda = 1, yT = pi/4, yD = (3 * pi)/4, kappa_bnds = c(120, 300), priors = "default", gfunction = c("logistic", "gompertz"), ... )
generate_data( M = 100, N = 61, I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4), Z.type = c("symmetric"), Z.contrast = "treatment", Z.formula = NULL, sigmax = 1, lambda = 1, yT = pi/4, yD = (3 * pi)/4, kappa_bnds = c(120, 300), priors = "default", gfunction = c("logistic", "gompertz"), ... )
M |
(integer) number of simulated datasets |
N |
(integer) length of the Y-trajectories |
I |
(integer) number of individuals |
J |
(integer) number of trials |
K |
(array of integers) list of length Q of the number of levels for each categorical variable |
Z.type |
(array of characters) list of length Q of the methods (symmetric or random) to generate the matrix (see |
Z.contrast |
(character) type of contrasts (default: treatment) for the model matrix Z (see |
Z.formula |
(character) a formula of the contrasts for the model matrix Z (see |
sigmax |
(numeric) fixed value for the model parameter sigmax |
lambda |
(numeric) fixed value for the model parameter lambda |
yT |
(numeric) position in angles of the target |
yD |
(numeric) position in angles of the distractor |
kappa_bnds |
(array) array containing the lower and upper bounds for the kappa parameter ( |
priors |
(list) a list of arguments specifying priors for each parameter involved in the model (see |
gfunction |
(character) type of link function between latent states and observed data: 'logistic', 'gompertz' ( |
... |
other stan arguments (e.g., 'init', 'algorithm', 'sample_file'. See |
The function generates simulated datasets via Stan according to the model structure.
a datalist containing simulated data and parameters
## Not run: ## Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design ## with K = 3 categorical levels, J = 30 trials, I = 8 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1",M=50) ## Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design ## by varying priors of parameters priors_list = list("normal(0,1)T(0,Inf)","normal(0,1)","normal(-2,0.5)") X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1",M=50,priors=priors_list) ## Generate mouse-tracking data with two experimental factors Z1 and Z2, J = 9 trials, ## K_Z1 = 3, K_Z2 = 3, I = 5 subjects X2 <- generate_data(I=5,J=9,K=c(3,3),Z.formula="~Z1*Z2", Z.type=c("symmetric","random"),M=50) # design with interaction ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design ## with K = 3 categorical levels, J = 30 trials, I = 8 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1",M=50) ## Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design ## by varying priors of parameters priors_list = list("normal(0,1)T(0,Inf)","normal(0,1)","normal(-2,0.5)") X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1",M=50,priors=priors_list) ## Generate mouse-tracking data with two experimental factors Z1 and Z2, J = 9 trials, ## K_Z1 = 3, K_Z2 = 3, I = 5 subjects X2 <- generate_data(I=5,J=9,K=c(3,3),Z.formula="~Z1*Z2", Z.type=c("symmetric","random"),M=50) # design with interaction ## End(Not run)
Generate the design of a mouse-tracking experiment
generate_design(I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4), Z.type = c("symmetric"))
generate_design(I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4), Z.type = c("symmetric"))
I |
(integer) number of individuals |
J |
(integer) number of trials |
K |
(list of integers) list of length Q of the number of levels for each categorical variable |
Z.type |
(list of characters) list of length Q of the methods (symmetric or random) to generate the matrix (see |
The function generates a dataframe containing the experimental design of a mouse-tracking study. The design is of the order (sbj,trial,variable1,...variableQ), where variable1,...,variableQ are Q categorical variables each with K_1,...,K_Q levels. The levels are codified using hundreds. This is an internal function, generally not to be called by the user.
a dataframe of the order (sbj,trial,variable1,...variableQ)
## Generate a design with Q = 2 categorical variables: ## the first variable has K = 4 levels generated via symmetric method ## the second variable has K = 3 levels generated via random method. X <- generate_design(I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4,3), Z.type = c("symmetric","random")) print(X)
## Generate a design with Q = 2 categorical variables: ## the first variable has K = 4 levels generated via symmetric method ## the second variable has K = 3 levels generated via random method. X <- generate_design(I = 10, J = 12, K = c(4,3), Z.type = c("symmetric","random")) print(X)
Generate a row-wise stacked boolean partition matrix of JI rows and K columns
generate_Z(I, J, K, type = c("symmetric", "random"))
generate_Z(I, J, K, type = c("symmetric", "random"))
I |
(integer) number of individuals |
J |
(integer) number of trials |
K |
(integer) number of levels for a categorical variables |
type |
(character) method to generate the matrix: symmetric (default) or random |
The function generates a (JI x K) boolean partition matrix for I individuals, J stimuli and K categories. Note that J and K must be chosen so that J This is an internal function, generally not to be called by the user.
a (JI x K) boolean matrix
Z <- generate_Z(I = 2,J = 12,K = 4,type="symmetric") print(Z)
Z <- generate_Z(I = 2,J = 12,K = 4,type="symmetric") print(Z)
This dataset contains a subset of data originally presented in Barca & Pezzullo (2012). In this task participants see a printed stimulus on the screen (e.g., water) and are requested to perform a dichotomous choice task where the stimulus can be classified as word or non-word. The experimental variable is the stimulus type with four categorical levels (i.e., high-frequency word, low-frequency word, pseudowords, and strings of letters). Participants have to classify each stimulus as belonging to word or non-word categories.
The dataset contains five participants (I=5), each measured along three trials, one categorical variable (Q=1) with four levels (K=4). The total number of trials is J=12. Mouse-tracking trajectories have previously been pre-processed with N=101 timesteps, translated into the first quadrant, and rotated so that the Target point (y_T) is always on the right-side.
A long-format dataframe of 6060 observations containing information on the following variables.
The ID number of participants
A factor of levels HF
, LF
, PW
, NW
indicating the type of stimulus
The ID number of the recorded x-y trajectories
The recorded x-trajectories
The recorded y-trajectories
The ID number of trials
Barca, L., & Pezzulo, G. (2012). Unfolding visual lexical decision in time. PloS one, 7(4), e35932.
Prepare mouse-tracking trajectories for state-space modeling via Stan
prepare_data( X = NULL, preprocess = TRUE, N = 61, Z.formula = NULL, Z.contrast = "treatment", yT = "AUTO", yD = "AUTO" )
prepare_data( X = NULL, preprocess = TRUE, N = 61, Z.formula = NULL, Z.contrast = "treatment", yT = "AUTO", yD = "AUTO" )
X |
(dataframe) a data frame of x-y trajectories and experimental design (see |
preprocess |
(boolean) indicates whether x-y trajectories should be pre-processed (default |
N |
(integer) number of timesteps for trajectory normalization (default |
Z.formula |
(character) a formula of the contrasts for the model matrix Z (see |
Z.contrast |
(character) type of contrasts (default: treatment) for the model matrix Z (see |
yT |
(numeric) position in angles of the target. The default option yT="AUTO" will automatically determine the target position from the observed data |
yD |
(numeric) position in angles of the distractor. The default option yD="AUTO" will automatically determine the target position from the observed data |
The function prepares the mouse-tracking trajectories to be modeled for the state-space analysis. It automatically processes trajectories according to time-normalization, translation, and atan2 conversion.
Users can skip pre-processing by setting preprocess=FALSE
The input dataframe X
needs to be organized using the long format with information being organized as nested. In particular, X
must contains the following variables:
The ID number of participants
The ID number of trials
1,...,Q factors for the categorical variables of the design. They may have different levels.
The ID number of the recorded x-y trajectories
The recorded x-trajectories associated to trials and experimental levels
The recorded y-trajectories associated to trials and experimental levels
See language
and congruency
as examples of datasets format required by ssMousetrack package.
a list containing (i) the new dataframe of the pre-processed dataset (X_processed
) and (ii) the needed data for run_ssm
data(congruency) dataout <- prepare_data(X = congruency,preprocess = TRUE,Z.formula = "~congruency*plausibility") str(dataout)
data(congruency) dataout <- prepare_data(X = congruency,preprocess = TRUE,Z.formula = "~congruency*plausibility") str(dataout)
State-space modeling of mouse-tracking trajectories via Stan
run_ssm( N, I, J, Y = NULL, D = NULL, Z = NULL, sigmax = 1, lambda = 1, y_T = pi/4, y_D = (3 * pi)/4, priors = "default", gfunction = c("logistic", "gompertz"), kappa_bnds = c(5, 300), nchains = 1, niter = 2000, nwarmup = 500, ncores = "AUTO", stan_object = FALSE, ... )
run_ssm( N, I, J, Y = NULL, D = NULL, Z = NULL, sigmax = 1, lambda = 1, y_T = pi/4, y_D = (3 * pi)/4, priors = "default", gfunction = c("logistic", "gompertz"), kappa_bnds = c(5, 300), nchains = 1, niter = 2000, nwarmup = 500, ncores = "AUTO", stan_object = FALSE, ... )
N |
(integer) length of the Y-trajectories |
I |
(integer) number of individuals |
J |
(integer) number of trials |
Y |
(matrix) N x JI matrix of observed trajectories |
D |
(matrix) N x JI matrix of delta values for the observed trajectories |
Z |
(matrix) matrix of contrasts associated to the experimental design (see |
sigmax |
(numeric) fixed value for the model parameter sigmax |
lambda |
(numeric) fixed value for the model parameter lambda |
y_T |
(numeric) position in angles of the target |
y_D |
(numeric) position in angles of the distractor |
priors |
(list) a list of arguments specifying priors for each parameter involved in the model (see |
gfunction |
(character) type of link function between latent states and observed data: 'logistic', 'gompertz' ( |
kappa_bnds |
(array) array containing the lower and upper bounds for the kappa parameter ( |
nchains |
(integer) number of chains for the MCMC algorithm |
niter |
(integer) number of iterations for each chain |
nwarmup |
(integer) number of warmup/burnin iterations per chain |
ncores |
(integer) number of cores to use when executing the chains in parallel. The default option ncores="AUTO" will automatically determine the number of cores via the |
stan_object |
(boolean) if |
... |
other stan arguments (e.g., 'init', 'algorithm', 'sample_file'. See |
The function drawns samples from the posterior distribution of the model parameters. Note that, the current version of ssMousetrack package requires the number of stimuli J to be the same over the subjects .
a datalist containing the posterior samples for the model parameters along with the main Stan output
## Not run: ## Fit a state-space model using simulated data # Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design with K = 3 categorical levels, # J = 12 trials, I = 5 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1") iid <- 23 # keep just one dataset from the simulated set of datasets # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X1_fit <- run_ssm(N = X1$N,I = X1$I,J = X1$J,Y = X1$data$Y[iid,,],D = X1$data$D[iid,,], Z = X1$data$Z) ## Fit a state-space model using the experimental dataset language # The dataset is ready to be used and it does not need to be pre-processed (preprocess=FALSE). # In this case, the function prepare_data just computes the observed radians from # the x-y trajectories X2 <- prepare_data(X = language, preprocess = FALSE, Z.formula = "~condition") # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X2_fit <- run_ssm(N = X2$N,I = X2$I,J = X2$J,Y = X2$Y,D = X2$D,Z = X2$Z, niter=5000,nchains=2) ## Fit a state-space model using the experimental dataset congruency # The dataset needs to be pre-processed (preprocess=TRUE) X3 <- prepare_data(X = congruency, preprocess = TRUE, Z.formula = "~congruency+plausibility") # additive design # Define priors of the model parameters KK <- dim(X3$Z)[2] # number of model parameters implied by the design matrix Z priors_list <- list("lognormal(1,0.5)","pareto(3,5.25)","normal(0,2.5)") # note that length(priors_list) = KK # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X3_fit <- run_ssm(N = X3$N,I = X3$I,J = X3$J,Y = X3$Y,D = X3$D,Z = X3$Z, niter=10000,nwarmup=3500,priors=priors_list,nchains=4) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## Fit a state-space model using simulated data # Generate mouse-tracking data for an univariate experimental design with K = 3 categorical levels, # J = 12 trials, I = 5 subjects X1 <- generate_data(I=5,J=12,K=3,Z.formula="~Z1") iid <- 23 # keep just one dataset from the simulated set of datasets # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X1_fit <- run_ssm(N = X1$N,I = X1$I,J = X1$J,Y = X1$data$Y[iid,,],D = X1$data$D[iid,,], Z = X1$data$Z) ## Fit a state-space model using the experimental dataset language # The dataset is ready to be used and it does not need to be pre-processed (preprocess=FALSE). # In this case, the function prepare_data just computes the observed radians from # the x-y trajectories X2 <- prepare_data(X = language, preprocess = FALSE, Z.formula = "~condition") # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X2_fit <- run_ssm(N = X2$N,I = X2$I,J = X2$J,Y = X2$Y,D = X2$D,Z = X2$Z, niter=5000,nchains=2) ## Fit a state-space model using the experimental dataset congruency # The dataset needs to be pre-processed (preprocess=TRUE) X3 <- prepare_data(X = congruency, preprocess = TRUE, Z.formula = "~congruency+plausibility") # additive design # Define priors of the model parameters KK <- dim(X3$Z)[2] # number of model parameters implied by the design matrix Z priors_list <- list("lognormal(1,0.5)","pareto(3,5.25)","normal(0,2.5)") # note that length(priors_list) = KK # Run the state-space model on the chosen dataset X3_fit <- run_ssm(N = X3$N,I = X3$I,J = X3$J,Y = X3$Y,D = X3$D,Z = X3$Z, niter=10000,nwarmup=3500,priors=priors_list,nchains=4) ## End(Not run)